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Ideal 18

Ideal 18 Parts

Ideal18 Logo

Is that jib furling line a little frayed? Spinnaker pole bent? We've got the parts and lines to keep your boat in tip-top shape.

Please call us to place an order. The phone numbers are listed at the bottom of the page. Prices subject to change without notice.

Ideal 18's at Indian Harbor YC
Ideal 18's under Spinnaker
Ideal 18 Couple
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Line Specifications

Running Rigging Line Diameter x Length Part # Price (US $)
Cunningham 1/4" X 6' 610018 $3.95
Down Haul/Spin Pole 1/4" X 10' 610014 39.95
Jib Cunningham 3/16" X 3' 610022 3.99
Jib Furling Line 3/16" X 17' 610021 20.00
Jib Halyard 33' 872-007-806-030 24.95
Jib Sheet 5/16" X 20' 610019 19.95
Jib Sheet Pennant (small Jib Sheet) 3/16" X 12.5' 610056 14.00
Main Halyard 5/16" X 60' 610273 115.00
Main Reef Line 5/16" X 20' 610275 24.95
Main Sheet 5/16" X 45' 610011 40.00
Pole Topping Lift 1/4" X 38' 610063 64.95
Spinnaker Halyard 1/4" X 48' 610062 109.95
Spinnaker Sheets (2) 1/4" X 36' 610061 54.00
Tweekers (pair) no shackle 1/4" X 8' 610017 9.00

Ideal 18 Parts

Photo Item Description Part # Price (US $)
Standing Rigging
Forestay - Fits all Boats 610271 $79.95
Lowers 610265 115.00
Uppers 610260 138.95
Turnbuckle Barrel Body/Lower OBR700.061010 63.49
Goose Neck Bearing 610076 13.95
Goose Neck Mast Bracket 610066 46.95
Goose Neck Pin w/o hooks (Stainless Steel) 610071 25.00
Goose Neck Wedge 610075 24.95
Main Halyard Block HAR 2156 84.25
Main Sail Feeder Stop (sailgate) K-45 13.00
Mast Complete 610001 3490.00
Mast Head Sheave 610002 8.99
Mast Step Deck Mount 610215 60.00
Mast Step Mast Mount 610081 126.95
Shroud Tang (Interior) Special Order to be quoted
Spin Pole Mast Ring (eye) 610065 58.95
Spinnaker Sheave Box HAR-088 30.95
Spreader Bar 610035 145.95
Spreader Doubler Plates 610040 125.00
Spreader End Cap 610060 18.95
Spreader Clevis Pin 610041 6.95
Spreader Port 610050 136.49
Spreader Starboard 610055 136.49
T-Ball for Furling Head - Old Long 610020 75.95
T-Ball for Furling Head - New Short 610023 75.00
T-Ball Retaining Plugs 742-5 7.95
Topping Lift (Pole) Sheave HAR-088 30.95
Furling System Package
Upper Swivel 1/4" pin HARHSB285 139.95
Harken block (dept. 390) HAR313 76.49
5/16" clevis pin CSJCP5.22 3.95
Bails for Vang & Sheet 610125 23.95
Boom Complete 610110 1090.00
Boom Extrusion 610112 375.00
Boom Casting - Inboard 610115 219.95
Boom Casting - Outboard 610120 149.00
Boom End Fitting Pin 610295 11.25
Boom Jammer for Outhaul 610196 13.50
Main Sheet Boom Blocks HAR2636 39.95
Outhaul Sheave 610130 12.95
  Outhaul Sheave Pin 610121 19.95
Outhaul Sheave Pin for new style end caps 610123 21.95
Reef Point Rollers 610118 3.95
Trailer Parts
Poppets for M.C. Trailer 615075 135.00
Trailer Poppet Nut 615076 6.95
Dolly Wheel for Trailer - 1 3/4" shaft-silver-side crank 6605 29.95
Dolly Wheel for Trailer - 2" shaft-black-top crank A80551 34.95
Canvas Options - standard colors: red, white, blue
Jib Sock, standard colors 610145 230.00
Main Sail Cover, standard colors 610140 320.00
Mast Bag - white vinyl 610156 140.00
Spinnaker Launch Bag 610146 195.00
Mounting Tab for Spinnaker Launch Bag 610147 19.95
Tiller Cover, standard colors 610150 50.00
Miscellaneous Parts
Bailers, Anderson Large 390173 146.00
Bailer Gasket 390952 14.95
Barney Post 610229 290.00
Bilge (Sump) Cover 610185 150.00
Bilge Cover Gasket 610186 4.95
Bilge Cover Screw (black) 1373T57 9.95
Bilge Cover - T-Bolt Retro Fit Kit 610159 34.95
Bilge - Silver Bar glassed in 610016 22.95
Ideal Chain Plate Cover 610122 14.95
Blocks - Under Deck HAR340 26.95
Bow Chocks 610009 92.95
Bow Eye Bolt (fits small & large) 5/8" S.S. WIC6495 72.95
Bow Eye Nut-Larger WIC6355 57.95
Bow Eye Nut-Standard Size WIC6345 37.95
Cleats - Harken HAR150 48.95
Console Fairlead - Stainless Steel RONPNP258 14.95
Hand Holds - Plastic HAR062 19.99
Jib Block - Thru Deck HAR310 110.95
Jib Car RF380 105.95
Jib Car Block HAR166 35.95
Jib Track - no bumpers needed OBM0065 113.95
Jib Track Ends Plas. w/ Rub.& Bolt RC61980 22.95
Lifting Bridle (Pair) EE291X3 65.00
Lifting Ring S.S. 5/8" 3061T 21 54.95
Main Sheet Bridle Rope 610245 49.95
Main Sheet Ratchet HAR2135 91.95
Main Sheet Swivel HAR144 200.65
Main Sheet Traveler Block HAR2637 39.95
Mast Gate (Partners) 610225 95.00
  Mast Gate bolt and nut 5/16 4" 070 3.00
Mast Step Pin 95165A076 43.05
Motor Bracket 610160 250.00
Motor Mount-plastic 610012 75.00
Roller Furling Fairlead - Insert RONPNP183 11.95
Roller Furling - Upper (old) HAR207 269.95
Roller Furling Lower Drum HAR208 530.95
Rudder 610210 1035.00
Rudder Bushing 610205 16.00
Rudder Bushing Shims 610204 3.95
Rudder Cover Plate (Bushing) 610202 24.95
Rudder Head 610200 139.95
Rudder - Mylar piece 610206 1.00
Rudder Pin 610201 6.00
Snap Shackle for tweekers (each) WIC2480 28.49
Spinnaker Hex Ratchet Port or Starboard HAR2137 80.95
Spinnaker Pole 304100 325.00
Spinnaker Pole End 304054 115.95
Spinnaker Pole Tube Only 610007 100.00
Spinnaker Turning Block HAR2636 39.95
Tiller 610190 157.00
Tiller Extension RONRF3131 123.95
Tiller Head 610195 52.00
Tiller Joint-Rubber RON3133 18.46
Tweeker Clips/Pole Topping Lift WIC2480 28.49
Vang Block - Lower HAR2621 67.95
Vang Block - Upper HAR2624 179.95
Vang Pennant 610247 22.00
Vang Pennant Block HAR2636 39.95

Shumway Marine
40 Marina Drive • Rochester, NY 14617 • 585.342.3030 or 800.433.2518
www.shumwaymarine.com • email: info@shumwaymarine.com