Shumway Marine has been helping yacht clubs increase their sailing activity by offering attractive leasing or purchasing arrangements for fleets of boats. These clubs are using the fleets of Ideal 18's for adult sailing instruction, one-design racing, and day sailing programs.
In a typical program, the club purchases or leases the boats, and members pay an annual fee for first-come-first-served access to the boats for racing or day sailing.
See how Ideal 18 Club Programs
revived one-design racing
on Long Island Sound.
"Indian Harbor Yacht Club (Greenwich, CT) has used the Ideal 18 with its Adult Sailing Program since 1994. Our eight Ideal 18's fulfill many roles in the program; Fleet Racing, Team Racing, US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification, Day Sailing, Race Clinics, and Match Racing and are always ready within five minutes notice. With the Ideal 18's help, club membership has increased and our one-design fleet has expanded and is competing at a higher level. We have members from eighteen to eighty enjoying the Ideal 18 and looking forward to the seventh season of Adult Sailing at Indian Harbor Yacht Club."
Ideal 18 Fleet Programs | |
American Yacht Club Box 651 Rye, NY 10580 914.967.4800 www.americanyc.org |
Beach Point Yacht Club 900 Rushmore Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914.698.1600 www.beachpointclub.org/ |
The Belle Haven Club 100 Harbor Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 203.861.5353 www.bellehavenclub.com |
Black Rock Yacht Club 80 Grovers Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06605 203.335.0587 www.blackrockyc.org |
Centerport Yacht Club Spring Hollow Rd & Beach Plum Dr Centerport, NY 11721 www.centerport-yc.org |
Club Nautico Las Palmas de Gran Canary Islands, Spain www.gcsiw.com |
Community Sailing of Fairfield P.O. Box 553 Southport, CT 06490 203.254.0676 www.communitysailingfairfield.com |
Essex Corinthian Yacht Club 11 Novelty Lane Essex, CT 06426 www.essexcorinthian.org |
Essex Yacht Club 17 Novelty Lane Essex, CT 06426 www.essexyc.com |
Fishers Island Yacht Club PO Box 141, West Harbor Fishers Island, NY 06390 www.fiyc.net |
Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club Larchmont Manor Park 65 Park Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 914.834.9418 horseshoeharbor.info |
Indian Harbor Yacht Club 710 Steamboat Road Greenwich, CT 06830 203.869.2484 www.indianharboryc.com |
Larchmont Yacht Club 1 Woodbine Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 914.834.2440 www.larchmontyc.org |
Manhasset Bay Yacht Club 455 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050 516.767.2150 www.manhassetbayyc.org |
Mason's Island Yacht Club PO Box 465 7 Yacht Club Drive Mystic, CT 06355 860.536.6363 miyc.clubexpress.com |
Milwaukee Yacht Club 1700 North Lincoln Memorial Drive Milwaukee, WI 53202 414.271.4455 www.milwaukeeyc.com |
Noroton Yacht Club Box 925 Noroton, CT 06820 203.838.5776 www.norotonyc.org |
Northport Yacht Club Bluff Point Road Northport, NY 11768 www.northportyachtclub.com |
Norwalk Yacht Club 10 Nathan Hale Drive South Norwalk, CT 06854 203.866.0941 www.norwalkyachtclub.com |
Nyack Boat Club 59 Gedney Street Nyack, NY 10960 845.353.0395 nyackboatclub.org |
Old Greenwich Yacht Club PO Box 162 Old Greenwich, CT 06870 203.637.3074 www.ogyc.org |
Pequot Yacht Club 669 Harbor Road Southport, CT 06490 203.255.5740 www.pequotyc.com |
Port Washington Yacht Club Yacht Club Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 516.767.1614 www.pwyc.com |
Ram Island Yacht Club 60 Front Street Noank, CT 06340 860.536.9014 ramislandyachtclub.org |
Riverside Yacht Club 102 Club Road Riverside, CT 06878 203.637.1706 www.riversideyc.org |
Rochester Yacht Club 5555 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617 585.342.5511 www.rochesteryc.com |
Rocky Point Club 60 Rocky Point Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870 203.637.2397 www.rockypointclub.com |
Royal Canadian Yacht Club 141 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2l8 416.967.7245 www.rcyc.ca |
St. Petersburg Yacht Club 11 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727.822.3113 www.spyc.org |
Sea Cliff Yacht Club 42 The Boulevard Sea Cliff, NY 11579 516.671.7374 www.seacliffyc.org |
Sodus Bay Yacht Club 78 Irwin Street Sodus Point, NY 14555 315.483.9550 www.sodusbayyc.org |
Stamford Yacht Club 97 Ocean Drive West Stamford, CT 06902 203.323.3161 www.stamfordyc.com |
Stanford Sailing Center 1198 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94061 650.364.1292 www.stanfordsailing.com |
Tred Avon Yacht Club 100 West Strand Oxford, MD 21654 410.226.5269 www.tayc.com |
Virgin Island Yacht Club Road Town, Tortola, BVI 809.494.3286 |
Wadawanuck Club PO Box 83 196 Water Street Stonington, CT 06378 860.535.4045 www.wadawannuck.com |