Located in Rochester, New York on the Genesee River near Lake Ontario. Get Directions


Paint Shop
Travel Lift
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From delicate rowing shells to 65 foot yachts, Shumway Marine can repair it all. Our experienced craftsmen work with wood and fiberglass for structural or cosmetic repairs.

Our certified mechanics work on Mercruiser, Yanmar, Westerbeke and Universal engines. Electrical wiring work and custom rigging are also available. We have two 40 ton hoists and offer yacht loading and unloading for transport.

The Paint Shop can accomodate up to 45' boats. Our painters are skilled in using Awlgrip, Imron, and gelcoat for refinishing. Blister repair, bottom painting, and doll-ups are also done through our Paint Shop.

Repair Project Photos

If you would like us to contact you about some projects you have in mind, feel free to use our Contact Form, send us email at service@shumwaymarine.com, or call us at the phone number shown at the bottom of the page.

Shumway Marine
40 Marina Drive • Rochester, NY 14617 • 585.342.3030 or 800.433.2518
www.shumwaymarine.com • email: info@shumwaymarine.com